Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Them And Their Stupid Boy Penises

Guys don't seem to understand why girls want a bad guy. They say that the good guys are better, that they treat you nicely, but it's not always true. Good guys lie to make you feel better. Good guys won't tell you when you annoy them, or when they don't want to be around you. They put up with it, giving you a false sense of security and accomplishment. Bad guys tell you when you annoy them. They tell you, flat-out. It's a refreshing change.

The general opinion on this is, of course, that no girl wants to be told that she's unwanted—but it's not true. I, personally, would rather know now, rather than a year down the line when we're somehow still just friends and making the bare minimum of contact. If you like someone, tell them. If you don't like someone, tell them that, too. Before they get their hopes up, before they believe otherwise. For God's sake, don't lie.

“But I don't want to hurt her feelings.” Not leading someone on will hurt them less than letting them believe something can happen when nothing will.

“Maybe something will happen eventually.” Bullshaviks, you don't like her and she's not changing. “But people CAN change.” Grow up, no they can't. Not the foundations, not the parts that will still be there in ten years. Will I still hate tomatoes? Yeah, probably. Will I hate rap? Yes, absolutely. Will I still be brutally honest? What do you think I'm being now?

Grow up, strap a pair on, and tell them it's not going to happen. And do it soon enough that no preconceived daydreams can take root, and the term “I'd like us to still be friends” won't end with a purse to the face. I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but I carry books in my bag, and I know how to use it.

Edit: There's a difference between "bad", "abusive", and "nasty to women."

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