Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Let’s clarify here, for a moment. If you walked into any book store three years ago, chances were that you were going to hit a Twilight fan. Fans sat outside stores as late as 1 AM waiting for the newly released books. The books soared in popularity – with preteens.

Middle schoolers and high school freshmen are the big-buyers for the Twilight novels, and are the sole reason the movie Twilight gained such quick popularity for such little effort from its actors. Deadpan performances and little personality plagued the film, and talent gave way to a focus toward creepy, vampire vibes.

Yet the preteen girls who dragged their families to the film are the reason to blame for Kirsten Stewart and Company becoming “A-Listers”. You put any one of their faces on a magazine, and the magazine will sell out. Why? Because of the preteens.

Fact: Having a bunch of twelve year old girls buy out your movie on pure devotion to the albeit awful books it is based on, does not make you an A-Lister. It does not even make you a good actor.

So the next time I see Kirsten Stewart listed as this super popular actress, rather than someone who acts like an early version of Avril Lavigne and dresses like her fans, I will burn the magazine in a pit of tar and swear to Satan that rabid dogs will eventually feast on her special place.